Our boat has gone to be re-tubed

Sterenn Logh has gone into Tilley Inflatables to have the new tubes fitted.

This will repair the tear from last year but also give the boat a fresh new lease of life!

Thanks to all who have helped with the transport including emergency works to the trailer. In particular to our Boat Officer Trevor, who has spent a lot of time maintaining the boat this year – your effort is much appreciated by all!

The boat should be back around the end of the month – who is up for sea trials in February?! (We may have to test out diver re-entry to the RIB at the same time…!)

Conference: Diving on the Edge

Diving On The Edge…

… Of Adventure, Technology and Medicine!

A great opportunity for those who are passionate about scuba diving to spend a day hearing from some incredible speakers about recreational diving at the edges of possibilities.

JOIN DDRC on Sunday 15th March 2015 at Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Hear from a top line-up of speakers who each has a very different perspective on the very edges of recreational diving.

  • ANDY TORBET: TV presenter & underwater explorer on ‘Unusual Under Water Filming’
  • GAVIN ANTHONY: from QinetiQ, on Carbon Dioxide & Diving.
  • RICH WALKER, a GUE Instructor from Wreck & Cave on ‘Cave Diving’
  • MARK POWELL, from Dive Tech on ‘Tech Training & Safety Attitudes’
  • MARK HUGHES, a winchman, paramedic and technical crew instructor from Bristow Group on ‘Changes to Search And Rescue’
  • NIKKI WEEDEN, on the Blue O’Two ‘Project Shark’
  • DR CHRISTINE PENNY, DDRC Healthcare Medical Director on ‘Dramatic Rescue from a 30m Nigerian Shipwreck’
  • DR CLAIR ASHFORD, DDRC Healthcare Diving Doctor on ‘Diving Accidents & Incidents’

EARLY BIRD TICKETS (by 28th February) ONLY £30.00, includes refreshments & lunch.
Last Minute tickets from 1st to 13th March are £35.00. 

Places are restricted. PRE-BOOKING is ESSENTIAL.

At Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth PL1 3DH.
Some free on-site parking is available on a first come, first served basis. Please car share.

To book call 01752 209999 or book online via http://www.ddrc.org/DOTE2015/